Pushups: Techniques and Variations

Get fit and build strength with Merlin's comprehensive guide to pushup exercises. Click here!

Are you looking for a bodyweight exercise that requires no equipment and can be done anywhere? Pushups is a classic exercise that targets multiple muscle groups and offers numerous variations to suit different fitness levels and goals. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various techniques, benefits, and variations of pushup exercise, as well as answer some frequently asked questions.

Pushup Exercise: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Pushup exercise is defined and its importance and benefits are highlighted
  • Techniques to do pushup exercise are presented with common mistakes and safety precautions to avoid them
  • Variations of pushup exercise, pushup exercise challenges, and pushup exercise for specific goals are discussed

Techniques to Do Pushups

Pushup exercise is a compound exercise that targets the chest, triceps, shoulders, and core muscles. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do a pushup correctly:

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lower yourself down by bending your elbows and keeping your back straight.
  3. Go down until your chest nearly touches the ground.
  4. Push yourself up by straightening your arms and returning to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

It’s important to maintain proper form while doing pushup exercise to avoid injury and maximize the benefits. Common mistakes to avoid include improper form, limited range of motion, and not engaging the core muscles. Safety precautions should also be taken for those with shoulder, wrist, or elbow injuries.

Merlin App for Pushup Exercises

The Merlin App can be a valuable tool to help you perform pushups correctly and effectively. Here’s how the app can assist with pushups:

  • 1. Real-Time Feedback: The app uses artificial intelligence to provide real-time feedback on your pushup form. It can analyze your body position and movement as you perform pushups and give you instant feedback on whether you’re maintaining proper form or if there are any areas where you need improvement. This real-time guidance is crucial for preventing common pushup mistakes, such as arching your back or sagging your hips.
  • 2. Voice Feedback: The app offers voice feedback, which can include verbal cues and tips on how to perform pushups correctly. It may remind you to keep your body in a straight line, engage your core, and maintain a steady pace. Having this vocal guidance can be especially helpful for beginners or those looking to refine their technique.
  • 3. Customized Workouts: You can customize your workout plan within the app, which means you can set specific goals for your pushup training. Whether you want to increase the number of pushups you can do or focus on building strength, the app can create a tailored workout routine to help you achieve your objectives.
  • 4. Progress Tracking: The Merlin App allows you to track your progress over time. You can log the number of pushups you complete, the sets and reps you perform, and even the difficulty level of your pushup variations. Tracking your progress helps you see how you’re improving and staying motivated to reach your pushup goals.
  • 5. Multilingual Support: If English is not your first language, the app offers multilingual support, ensuring that you can receive instructions and feedback in your preferred language, which can be particularly useful for understanding the nuances of pushup form.

Benefits of Pushup Exercise

Pushup exercise has numerous benefits that make it a popular exercise choice for many fitness enthusiasts. Here are some of the benefits of pushup exercise:

1. Increased muscular endurance and strength

Pushup exercise helps build muscular endurance and strength by engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This means that you get more bang for your buck with each repetition.

2. Improved cardiovascular health

Pushup exercise can help improve cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate and improving blood circulation. This can help reduce the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.

3. Improved core stability

Pushup exercise engages the core muscles, which are essential for maintaining good posture and balance. This can help reduce the risk of back pain and other posture-related issues.

4. Strengthened upper body muscles

Pushup exercise targets the chest, triceps, shoulders, and back muscles, helping to build strength and size in these muscle groups. This can help improve overall upper body strength and appearance.

5. Reduced risk of cardiac events

Regular exercise, including pushup exercise, has been linked to a reduced risk of cardiac events such as heart attack and stroke.

6. Improved posture

Pushup exercise can help improve posture by strengthening the muscles that support good posture, such as the back and core muscles.

Variations of Pushup Exercise

Pushup exercise offers numerous variations that can be used to target different muscle groups and increase the intensity of the exercise. Here are some of the most common pushup exercise variations:

1. Incline pushups

Incline pushups are a modified version of the standard pushup that involves raising the upper body by placing the hands on an elevated surface, such as a bench or step. This variation targets the upper chest muscles and can be used to make the exercise easier for beginners.

2. Decline pushups

Decline pushups are the opposite of incline pushups, with the feet elevated on an elevated surface and the hands on the ground. This variation targets the lower chest muscles and can be used to increase the intensity of the exercise.

3. One-arm pushups

One-arm pushups are a challenging variation that involves doing pushups with one arm while keeping the other arm behind your back. This variation targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders, as well as the core muscles.

Pushup Exercise Challenges

Pushup exercise challenges are a great way to add variety to your workout routine and increase the intensity of the exercise. Here are some popular pushup exercise challenges:

1. 30-day pushup challenge

The 30-day pushup challenge involves doing a set number of pushups each day for 30 days. The number of pushups increases each day, making it a challenging but achievable goal.

2. Pushup pyramid challenge

The pushup pyramid challenge involves starting with one pushup and adding one rep each set until you reach a predetermined number of reps, then working your way back down to one rep.

Pushup exercise challenges can help you stay motivated and track your progress over time.

Pushup Exercise for Specific Goals

Pushup exercise can be used to achieve a variety of fitness goals, including building arm strength, losing weight, improving posture, and increasing muscular endurance and strength. Here’s how pushup exercise can help you achieve these goals:

1. Building arm strength

Pushup exercise targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders, making it a great exercise for building upper body strength and size.

2. Losing weight

Pushup exercise can help you lose weight by increasing your heart rate and burning calories. It’s also a great exercise to include in a full-body workout routine.

3. Improving posture

Pushup exercise targets the back and core muscles, which are essential for maintaining good posture. By strengthening these muscles, pushup exercise can help improve posture and reduce the risk of back pain and other posture-related issues.

4. Increasing muscular endurance and strength

Pushup exercise is a compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, making it a great exercise for increasing muscular endurance and strength.

Pushup Exercise and Nutrition

The role of nutrition in supporting fitness goals is essential. It’s important to eat a balanced diet that supports pushup exercise and other forms of exercise. This includes a diet rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Staying hydrated is also important for optimal performance and recovery.


Pushup exercise is a versatile and effective exercise that targets multiple muscle groups and offers numerous variations to suit different fitness levels and goals. By following proper technique, safety precautions, and varying your routine, you can reap the many benefits of pushup exercise and achieve your fitness goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many pushups should I do?

The number of pushups you should do depends on your fitness level and goals. Beginners can start with a few pushups and work their way up, while more advanced exercisers can aim for higher reps or more challenging variations.

How often should I do pushups?

The frequency of pushup exercise depends on your fitness level and goals. Beginners can start with a few pushups a day and gradually increase the frequency, while more advanced exercisers can do pushup exercise several times a week.

How long does it take to see results from pushups?

The time it takes to see results from pushup exercise depends on your fitness level, goals, and frequency of exercise. With consistent practice and proper technique, you can expect to see improvements within a few weeks.

Can pushups help me lose weight?

Pushup exercise can help you lose weight by increasing your heart rate and burning calories. However, it should be combined with a healthy diet and other forms of exercise for best results.

Can pushups be done every day?

Pushup exercise can be done every day, but it’s important to vary the routine to avoid plateauing and to give your muscles time to recover.

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